Actor and comedian Bob Saget, mostly known for his role of Danny Tanner in Fuller House, passed away at age 65 on Sunday. Joey shared a photo with the actor, taken during Fuller House’s finale, writing, “What a good guy he was. My heart goes out to the whole Full House family.”
The New Kids On The Block made an appearance on Netflix’s Fuller House, on the last episode of the second season, “New Kids in the House” (aired on Dec 9, 2016) Joey McIntyre also made a solo appearance on the show’s finale, “Our Very Last Show, Again” which aired on June 2, 2020.
It is a big lost for the industry and our extended BH family, Candace Cameron and Andrea Barber. Hours before his passing, Bob Saget had left a comment on a Candace’s post complimenting the upcoming collection of her line of clothing “Candace Cameron Bure Clothing”.
Bob Saget, also known for the voice of narrator Ted Mosby on the sitcom “How I Met Your Mother” (2005–2014), left behind three children. According to TMZ’s update (1/9/21, 5:30 PM PT), The Orange County Sheriff’s Office said, “We have no information on cause of death, and detectives have found no signs of foul play or drug use in this case.”
Candace Cameron shared, a few minutes after midnight (PT Time) her thoughts on Instagram: “I love you sooooo much. I don’t want to say goodbye 💔. 35 years wasn’t long enough.”
Andrea Barber had posted a couple of hours before: “This one hurts. 💔 He had the biggest heart of anyone in Hollywood. He gave the biggest hugs. I am gutted that I will never be able to hug him again. Bob ended every text, every interaction with “Love you.” Didn’t matter how long or short we’d been apart. He loved so deeply and so fiercely. And he never hesitated to tell you just how much you meant to him. This is the greatest lesson I learned from Bob Saget – don’t hesitate to tell people you love them. I feel at peace knowing that Bob knew exactly how much I adore him.
Rest well, my dear friend. I have no doubt you are making everyone in Heaven laugh until their cheeks hurt, just as you did here on Earth. ❤️”
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