Here’s Danny’s workout routine of the week.

Monday: “35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill&30mins strength training(back&biceps) #StriveToBeBetter”
Tuesday: “35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill&30mins strength training(legs, shoulders,abs) #Thankful #ChallengeYourself”
Wednesday: “32mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill(4.10 miles) only 30seconds rest in between sets and 30mins strength training(chest&triceps) #strivetobebetter” (has pic)
Tuesday: “31mins I did 4.1 miles, HIIT cardio on treadmill(only 30 seconds rest between fast minute reps)&30mins strength training(abs,legs,shoulders) #TheWoodWorks”
Friday: “35mins of HIIT cardio and 30mins strength training(chest&triceps) #KeepWorkingOutThroughTheHolidays”
Saturday: “35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill and 30mins of strength training(back& biceps) #livinghealthy #SayNoToGymDouches #TheGuyWhoSlamsTheWeightsThatAreToHeavyForHim”
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