It seems Joey have chosen Instagram Stories to share his thoughts; one may wonder. why doesn’t he do it on Twitter? and another could reply: “It’s Joe Mac.” In fact, he have shared so much that it deserves a unique post.
Shall we?
March 8. Watch Out For Meghan Markle

On Monday, Joey wrote about judging people on IG, “Some days I judge the heck out of people on Instagram. Today I am completely blown over by how people get after it and do their thing with love and joy and passion. Lemme get summa dat!!”
He also shared a post of a 12 year old Meghan Markle (on Nickelodeon News, 1992) talking about sexist commercials, adding “They should’ve known what they were up against”
Take a look!
March 9. Jump On Your Bike!
In case you missed it, Joey joined the cause “Meals on Wheels” and shared a clip about it; check it out!
March 9-10. Back In the Studio!
After a few days of feeling blue, Joey is feeling like a person… so much that he’s back in the studio recording! Or shall we say it’s because he’s back in the studio that he’s feeling like a person again? ?
Joey McIntyre, March 9, 2021 Joey McIntyre. March 10, 2021
March 11. Mood
A year has passed since the OMS declared the COVID-19 as a pandemic. Joey expressed his mood on his Instagram Stories.
March 12: Announcing Live Stream with Griffin and the Cast of Country Comfort
March 13: Namaste
March 14: Gaga for Taylor, Harry and The Grammys
During the Grammys, Joey posted a series of stories about Taylor Swift who, during the pandemic, made an amazing album and shoot a documentary! The album, “Folklore,” is unique among Taylor’s discography; it’s not a journal about her (unlike her previous albums) and it has an indie and very intimate sound.
I felt a little bit lost when I listened to it; being used to listen to her “journals” I didn’t quite understand many of the songs; but then I watched the documentary on Disney +, “Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions,” in which she tells the stories behind each song and performs them with an acoustic guitar and a piano, and … it blew my mind… I have no other words to describe her work.
Was it an enough dose of Mac for you?
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