Joey McIntyre on MTV Cribs (CIRCA 1999)

How would do you like to go back in time to the #StayTheSame days, so Joey can take us on a tour through his bachelor house?

Built in 1740 – with 5 bedrooms, 5 baths and 5000 sq ft – the house was acquired by Joey when he was seventeen; he says his mother had found it for him and now (well, then) – years later – he was still feeling he was too young for it.

As he shows pictures with the New Kids and Dick Scott, he calls “the glorious days” the time before things got too big; and his “most treasured award,” the single of the year for Stay the Same, by Boston Music Awards.

And the sleeping quarters? A cross above the bed; Frank Sinatra’s portraits and hats; family portraits; a picture from his graduation in London; a room where, as he says, “is where the magic happens.”

Wanna go back in time for a bit? Hit it!