I dare to say there is no show like this on TV, and that Jonathan Knight and Kristina Crestin are making their mark; their charisma, passion and chemistry pop up from the screen, and their talent is at plain sight.
Did you get the chance to watch it? Here’s what happened before and after the premiere in the BH fam.
Farmhouse Fixer – hosted by Jonathan Knight-Rodriguez and Kristina Crestin – is a six (6) part renovation series, that airs on HGTV. Find out more under the tag #FarmhouseFixer.
Congratulations to Jon Are in Order
Congratulations to Jon rained from everywhere! The day before the premiere, Donnie Wahlberg and Jared Paul tweeted,
“My friend @JonathanRKnight may never truly know how proud I am of him, but I’m saying it again right now — so proud! Can’t wait! I love you Jon.”
“I couldn’t be more excited for this and proud of @JonathanRKnight. I’ve gotten a sneak peak and this is amazing TV. Pls don’t miss it. Jon is a total pro and this show shows how much ❤️❤️ he has. Tmrw !!”
Then, yesterday – as were anxiously waiting – Danny and the New Kids posted,
“I am so proud of @JonathanRKnight and I can’t wait to watch him tonight!!”
“We are so beyond proud of our brother @jonathanrknight and we can’t wait for you all to get a chance to finally watch his amazing new series on @HGTV“
Before the Premiere
Kristina shared on Instagram two pictures from the last day of filming and wrote a few words to congratulate the team (*)
“Lights, camera, action people! Tonight is the night!
Kristina Crestin, Mar 3, 2021
9pm on @hgtv #Farmhousefixer will premier. This picture brings me so much joy as it was literally the last day of filming when @jonathanrknight and I got to takeover for a hot second. I still chuckle. What power!
I think every single human I know has told a friend and even people they didn’t know. So we hope you enjoy!!!!
A thanks to this AMAZING team that made it all come true! The cold, the heat, the timeline; and we got through it all in a flippin’ pandemic!
Bravo all!” (*)
Jon showed us how Harley had prepared a well deserved red carpet.

Joey McIntyre Felt It “On A Metaphysical Level”
Joey posted on his Instagram Stories how he felt after watching the first segment; Jon also posted a preview of the episode. Check it out!
What Did the BHs Say?
The New Kids tweeted, “Who watched the series premiere of #FarmhouseFixer?! Did you love it as much as we did?” and so another rain of tweets began to fall. Here are some of them:
“I sure did. It’s was absolutely amazing and educational. I can’t wait to see some more episodes of it. @JonathanRKnight did a wonderful job.”
Renee Houston
“We NEED this show! Because there are too many fixer-upper shows that are just to “show off”. Your historical perspective is priceless! We are only stewards passing through this world”
Jenn V
“Just finished watching. Great job Jon!!! You were funny and you clearly know what you’re doing. Oh, and hearing you say “there” a boatload of times with your Boston accent was the cherry on top. WTG Jon!”
Sheryl Nordstrom
“I loved how you shared the history of the farmhouse and honored those that lived there. Beautiful renovation and designs…I can’t wait to see more episodes!”
Jocelyn Flojo
“we need season 2.. and 3, 4, 5 this is a wonderful show! so full of passion, excitement, dedication and real enthusiasm. it feels more personal than most shows because we can see how much you care for restoring these farm homes back to their former glory
“Wasn’t it amazing. My bathroom cabinets and laundry cabinets we did that blue color and we love it but were like, I wonder if ppl think it’s too bold, but after seeing this I’m convinced we did good. That place was just perfect!!!!”
Finally, What Did Jon and Harley Say?
Harley posted two photos of the “post premiere glow”
Then Jon, tweeted:
“I’m beyond excited to share this passion of mine with you! Please let @hgtv know your thoughts! Season one is gonna be amazing…. season 2 anyone? Thanks to the team @HighNoonEnt for producing such a beautiful show and HGTV for airing it! Xxoo”
Jon Knight
And …, that’s what happened!
Now one important task remains: tweet and tag HGTV on Twitter and Instagram as if there was no tomorrow! Because, in fact, how can we enjoy another show about renovation and design after having watched Farmhouse Fixer? Jon and Kristina have raised the bar, ladies and gents!
We need a Season 2! Now! Before the one ends? Yes! That’s how BHs roll, people.
(*) Here’s the whole team (on Instagram) mentioned by Kristina:
@northofbostonstudios, @highnoonent,@areesevanallen, @harmscott76,@zackruboy7, @easystreak, @amacccc303, @victorialynnlevy, @harley.rodriguez, @candigrubb@benfloom, @tishna12, @ds_ys_, @dennishrbek, @curranconstruction, @cookcustomhomesnh, @kaminski_constructio
Update: Kristina posted how she came out with the kitchen design on her Instagram.
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