New Kids On The Block on The Oprah Winfrey Show (1989)

Oprah Winfrey has uploaded to her YouTube channel two clips from an interview with New Kids On Block from 1989, in High Quality!

New Kids on the Block on Dating: “We’re All Available”

Oprah asks the New Kids On The Block to introduce themselves: Jordan Knight (18, at the time), Joe (16), Jon Knight (19), Danny Wood (18) and Donnie (19) – who needed to be introduced by Joey-.

Then they talk about how love…

New Kids On The Block on Racial Barriers and How They Got Their Name

Oprah opens the segment saying that someone in the audience have said, “I didn’t know they were white!”, so she asks them how they explain that they have “great soul.” Donnie, as he responds, accidentally mentions that Bobby Brown was going to be the surprise on the show.

Besides asking talking about racial barriers and how they got their name, Oprah also asks them if they are surprised by their success. “We always believed it could happen for us,” Donnie says.

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