Updated: Feb 26, 2021
Fresh off the Press!
Thursday, March 3, is #NKOTBT day, the day we’ll get to unveil the meaning of BBTT … on “Good Morning America!“
I’m sensing a throwback theme in this… 🤔 And, apparently, BBTT is something we’ll get to do.
What we’ve been waiting since January 1st, that mysterious thing what we’ve been trying to decode with the wildest and funniest phrases, is finally about to be announced.
Donnie announced it on his Instagram Stories, in a clip with no sound, right after describing the first sale of the day of the NKOTB cruise as, “Today is the day. Find a way.”
Honesty, all I can think of is, “This guy… This is BBTT pre-announcement is for those who won’t be able to cruise; this is for those who today, specially today, need to believe good things are coming this or that way.”
Bottom line is, there’s always a way to find happiness as long as you remain a BB, a Believer Blockhead, … TT… 😏
Also on a live stream, Donnie said he’d give a sneak peek on Saturday, Feb 26. So, stay tuned!
Thanks Lori for the heads up!