SASAOTG. Say What? Expanding the Blocktionary, With Donnie Wahlberg

Back in 2014, we had at the blog a breakthrough, a mind-blowing, out of this world and “I should be working instead of blogging” idea: to make a dictionary with a list of words and hashtags only a BH know how to use. The “Blocktionary”. Today, we’re adding another one.

Every close group of friends, every family, develops its own language, and so do we!

You know what #Twug means; but, did you know Donnie defined it for the first time in 2013? He tweeted: “twug- (verb) a twitter hug. invented by @DonnieWahlberg. accepted by millions. copied by many. known to trend & cause timeline erruptions.” And he also said, “A #twug is the next best thing to a hug! It is the best way to send love to my BH & NK familia when we are not near enough to hug for realz!”

And how about #Tink? Do you remember this one? This one is from Jordan Knight, back in 2009! When he explained, “Tink! is the imaginary sound of my eyelids springing open when I wake up……………..TINK!”

He even explained it on an interview. Check it out.


That brings memories, doesn’t it? 

As we wait for an update to our Blocktionary – from yours truly, who is still moving the blog from the old host – we have no other choice but to at least mention the new hashtag (which is actually not so new but, still, barely used): #SASOTG, from Donnie Wahlberg, which stands for… (think about it for a while… When he travels on his plane… and he lands… You got it… Come on…) “Safe and sound on the ground!” Yes!

Stay tune for the whole Blocktionary (with more than 20 hashtags!) to come back online!

#BHlove (you know this one)