141127-Joey McIntyre-Who's got the bigger mouth? Me or @jimmydunn?? We are getting ready to live tweet #TheMcCarthys. And you get ready to meet Gerard's girlfriend!! The whole fam loves her?… Keep the love coming y'all. We love making this show and that can't happen without you watching! So go drive around your neighborhood and bring as many people u can find back to ur house for some pie and watch #TheMcCarthys tonight at 9:30!!!
En el día de acción de gracias, Joey junto a Jimmy Dunn ¿Quién tiene la boca más grande? se preguntan (Nov 27, 14)
Año XIV Nro 48
Fuente: https://twitter.com/joeymcintyre/status/538137126399791104, http://instagram.com/p/v7KTAYP5d7/