Danny Wood, Is In The Studio!
First Joey, then Jordan, now Danny? What is going on here?!?!?
First Joey, then Jordan, now Danny? What is going on here?!?!?
We love old school anecdotes! And thanks to a fan, we got a taste of what Donnie was thinking when he met the legendary RUN DMC.
Here is Danny's workout routine Monday: #intense 35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill and 30mins of strength training(legs,shoulders,&abs) #livinghealthy” Tuesday: 35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill&30mins of strength training(chest&triceps) #strivetobebetter Wednesday: 35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill&30mins(back&biceps) #livinghealthy #NKOTBCruise2017 Tuesday: no post was shared Friday: 35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill&30mins of strength training(legs,shoulders,&abs) #strivetobebetter #NKOTBCruise2018 Saturday: 35mins of HIIT………
#fights #being right #working together #problems #judgements #self reflection
Donnie is next, and Joey - almost two months ago - was also in the studio... What's happening here?
There are many reasons why Donnie loves #TeamAlma, and here is the number 43.752!