Are you having palpitations? Breath… ? An NKOTB tour, is it finally going to happen?

Last week, we saved for our weekly edition a Twitter Talk where Donnie replied to a fan’s question regarding whether NKOTB was going to tour or not in 2022. Do you remember?
Donnie was up in the air spreading some love when @itsmisswendy79 asked him, “Any truth to no tour until 2022?”, and he said,
“there is no possible way to answer such a question today — nor can we make that decision today — but the word “tour” is a relative term. if “we” can’t tour, it doesn’t mean “i” or “we” won’t find a way to see my BHFam in 2021!”
Donnie Wahlberg, Jan 14, 21
Now yesterday, he went a little further saying,

“I miss you all a lot.
— Donnie Wahlberg, Jan 24, 2021
Like, a real lot.
Like, not just U.S. Blockheads.
Like, all worldwide Blockheads.
We gotta get together.
Like, as soon as possible.
Worldwide road trip — when this is over.
?❤️ #BHLove #GottaBelieve“
The New Kids On The Block have a scheduled concert for July 16, 2021 at Fenway Park, which had to be postponed previously (from its original date, Sep 19, 2020) due to the pandemic.
A worldwide NKOTB tour, on the other hand, is something that the guys haven’t planned yet and haven’t done – per se – since the 90s. After the reunion, most of the concerts took place in the US / Canada; however, in 2012 the New Kids visited Latin America with their “South America and Mexico Tour (Jun 15-26)” and in 2014 they did another short tour in Europe, “Let’s Get Intimate (May 6 – Jun 1)”
New Kids On The Block’s last tour – the Mixtape Tour – finished on July 14, 2019; almost two years ago. To this date, we hold on to the hope and faith that initially we’ll get to see the guys on July, and then…. as the captain says, “Gotta believe.”
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