What a week! Joey on a BSB radio; a raffle to help Remember Betty while we get the chance to win a guitar signed by Danny; an upcoming event with Joey and the hilarious Adam Ray; gossiping about “The Crown” with Joey; and… Donnie talking about touring in 2022? And we can watch “Rock This Boat” on Prime Video?
Say no more! Here’s everything that happened on the third week of the year!
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On Other News
Is NKOTB Going to Tour on 2022? Donnie Answers

During a Twitter Talk on #DWAir, @itsmisswendy79 asked Donnie, “Any truth to no tour until 2022?”, and he said,
“there is no possible way to answer such a question today — nor can we make that decision today — but the word “tour” is a relative term. if “we” can’t tour, it doesn’t mean “i” or “we” won’t find a way to see my BHFam in 2021!” ????????????❤️????????????????????”
@DonnieWahlberg, Jan 14, 21
So, You Couldn’t Watch “Rock This Boat”?

This past Thursday (Jan 14), we celebrated the day that “Rock This Boat” premiered on Pop TV in 2015. It was a great show but many BHs around the world couldn’t watch it… Guest what? They can now!
“Rock This Boat” it’s now available on Amazon / Prime Video! There’s no option to rent though; we can either buy episodes or the entire seasons. Here are the links to purchase the First Season and the Second Season.
Working Out With Danny Wood
Check out the complete workout routine of Danny the past week on the next page.
Photos: Weekly Gallery

And that’s a wrap!
Have a great week!
#BHlove ????????
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