Would You Like New “Old School” NKOTB Merch?

Throughout the week, all we talked about (besides Joey and Debbie in LA, of course) was “NKOTB bed sheets: what would we make with those patterns?” And, before giving you the whole “Twitter/Insta talk” about it, allow me to say two things:

  1. There are people making things with those NKOTB patterns;
  2. Could the guys be considering making something new with it? (ok, this was a question ??‍♀️)

Anyway, the things is that the talk lasted the whole week, my brain set up a BH alert and now all I can think about is “what would I do with those patterns.”

The Twitter / Insta Talk

When something like this happens, my brain sets up a BH alert; and, c’mon! I’m usually right… ? Like, when I posted NKOTBoston is Happening, is Happening, is Happening! on May 12, I received a lot of comments at the FB page of the Blog saying it was a “misleading title” ??‍♀️ But! What happened? “Four” days later Donnie posted “we’ll talk Tuesday,” AND! On Tuesday the NKOTB concert on Boston was announced…

Back to “the talk”! The New Kids asked us on Wednesday to show them our NKOTB bed sheets, and they also asked “if you could have any item in the bed sheet pattern what would it be?”

“Show us your sheets! You’ve got the right stuff if you have the original NKOTB bed sheets and we want to see them! Tweet a pic and tag us.  Also, we wanna know: if you could have any item in the bed sheet pattern what would it be?” NKOTB, June 16, 2021

They shared some of the answers on their IG stories and Twitter; at the bottom of this post you’ll find the ones they retweeted.

And then on Friday, they posted, “We’re loving all your photos and memories. We know how much these sheets meant to Blockheads everywhere. You’ve turned them into your own outfits, masks, accessories and more! Your creativity inspires us.”

“TGIF!! We’re loving all your photos and memories. We know how much these sheets meant to Blockheads everywhere. You’ve turned them into your own outfits, masks, accessories and more! Your creativity inspires us.” NKOTB, June 18, 2021

“Your creativity inspires us”…

I was going to save this fun time we spent for the weekly edition, but on Saturday the guys shared the bed sheets again, on their IG stories with a “Step by Step” sticker… which is kind of appropriate if we consider that we’re about to celebrate, on June 30, the 31th anniversary of “Step By Step” peaking the #1 on the Billboard Charts.

By the way, did you take the quiz How Much Do You Know About the New Kids On The Block on the Billboard Charts? ?

And then again on Sunday! with a “Donnie” sticker this time.

So! All I’m saying is: if they are planning on doing something again with those patterns, first I’d say, “Bring the sheets and everything again!”, because, we have a new generation of BHs that may want them! And second, I’d say, “… hoodies; binders and planners! or planner’s covers! pet ?? bags! oven mitts!”

Things That Are Already Being Sold With NKOTB Bed Sheet Patterns

Lori (aka @BlancoDiddy) made tumblers and masks for Remember Betty; do you know / remember that? Super cool!

She is still coming up with new items at iheartnkotb.com; check it out!

And, the other day I found someone (hipviolet.com) is selling Baby Bibs.

Source: Hipviolet.com

Your Voice

I made these mockups with some of the things I would buy, twice of course; one to use, the other one to save as memorabilia… well, you know how it goes ?

So, what do you think? Leave a comment!


Allow me to add, this girl is freaking awesome! She made a dress!

… and, mom rocks!
