Get Inspired By Donnie Wahlberg | Ed 17/46

Get Inspired By Donnie Wahlberg | Ed 17/46

#love #pain #struggles #judgements “It never makes sense and it always "sounds" so simple -- but of course it isn't. Yet, love will lift you if you can find it within yourself.” @DonnieWahlberg, Nov 06, 2017 “Until you've walked in the shoes or felt the pain of another human being, don't judge them, dismiss them………

Danny Wood: Workout Routine of the Week

Danny Wood: Workout Routine of the Week

Here is Danny's workout routine Monday: #intense 35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill and 30mins of strength training(legs,shoulders,&abs) #livinghealthy” Tuesday: 35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill&30mins of strength training(chest&triceps) #strivetobebetter Wednesday: 35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill&30mins(back&biceps) #livinghealthy #NKOTBCruise2017 Tuesday: no post was shared Friday: 35mins of HIIT cardio on treadmill&30mins of strength training(legs,shoulders,&abs) #strivetobebetter #NKOTBCruise2018 Saturday: 35mins of HIIT………